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Old 02-01-2015, 04:37 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Alexa_And_Oscar View Post
LunarBerry - My Mum calls herself Grandma and my Partner calls himself Daddy too. It's amazing the love you feel for them I usually let Oscar lie on my jumpers and hoodies. But if I do decide to try the crate then, I will leave him a few things that smell of me, and see if that helps. An interactive Toy, do you have anything in mind? He has hundreds of Toys. I'm afraid whenever I go out, I end up bringing him back a new Toy.
Your boy is about the same age as my girl as she's 8 month as well. lol I sometimes put my plush bed robe over my bed and she'll lay on it while I brush her with a human baby brush and comb. She loves it as it's really soft and the handles is nubby, hard, & rubbery that she'll gnaw on sometimes while I brushing her (never actually let her have it when i don't brush her of course :3). Her hair is so soft and kept short that the brush works pretty good on her. She sometimes will look at my bed then at me a few times to let me know she wants up and to be "groomed"
When I first brought her home I had gotten a new toy to bring for the breeders to rub really good on the momma yorkie to get her scent and they gave me a sock that was kept with her and her litter mates. I believe that helped eased her, but even I gotta say she adjusted beautifully (adjusted better than I did even, lol)
So yea when he is kennel trained, having something with your scent (can also have other family member's scent, too) may help calm him until he can do without it. There's also pheromone, lavender scented sprays that are for dogs with anxiety to help them calm down when alone or traveling. In my case, my yorkie girl also has two older furbabies (jack russells) that can keep her company and we keep the TV on to make the house seem less empty (she sometimes seem to fall asleep better with it on) we usually put it on a fairly mellow channel like the food network or animal planet. Though here in the States there's some channels specifically for dogs to watch (they say it's even at a frequency that make them see the screen better).
As for interactive toys, there's some that makes it a bit of a puzzle to get to treats, this is good for mental stimulation. There's also some that kind of move on it's own some, similar to some cat toys like a ball that'll roll around on it's own (just make sure it's not too small and that it's durable enough for your pup, I had bought 4 somewhat pricy toys in the past two months that got torn up between my yorkie and my younger jack and had to be thrown away, much to my & my yorkie baby's dismay ;_; ). There's also other snack based toys by kong, alot of their toys you can fill with some tasty paste they make or treats and it makes them work to get it.

R.I.P. Mick & Mandy (before 2010), Mila - 4/3/15, Chloe - 2/18/16, Kimchi - 6/2/2021
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