Thread: Scared..
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Old 01-14-2015, 01:17 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by tsingh View Post
My insurance covers hereditary- doesn't cover per-existing. However my doctor indicated there is NO way to tell if this is hereditary--- so that is nothing he will be able to states. He states that by looking at all of Lokis records he DIDN"T have a pre-existing issues.

Thank you so much for updating us. I am just so sorry that your Loki has HD. So no Leggs Calves Perthes disease? Is the surgeon recommending Femoral Head Osteomy? Or some other surgical technique? Did the specialist give you a grading on the HD? Mild/Moderate or Severe?

I do know that FHO surgery is usually very successful in small breed toys!

I confess to some curiousity did you ask the specialist or did they comment that the Xrays taken by your vet were difficult to read, or the changes were very subtle? I am just wondering why the Banfield vets did not see that HD? As well as missing the diagnosis of the LP in both knees? What grade did the surgeon say it was?

Maybe your specialist can recommend a good experienced general vet for you and your Loki.

In terms of hereditary and or genetic diseases Hip Dysplasia is generally thought to be a polygenetic recessive disease that can be compounded by environmental factors.

I think you should let the breeder know of Lokis diagnosis - the specialist should be or already have done a written report - you can scan the report and send it onto the breeder. That breeder at the minimum needs to re-evaluate her breeding program.

Have you already scheduled a date for the surgery?
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