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Old 12-22-2014, 07:00 PM   #60
Resident Yorkie Nut Donating YT 20K Club Member
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Originally Posted by Lovetodream88 View Post
I never say my opinion is a fact but there were a few facts about this breeder. Her ads selling a different breed puppy were facts they where there for everyone to see and it's a fact the pups were being sold at 8 weeks and it's there for everyone to see. A non reputable in my opinion from talking to reputable breeders, people who know this breed and study's on puppies as well as all the articles I have read say a small breed puppy should stay with there mom until 12 weeks. Almost all of the posters who have been here and even Ann the moderator has been seen saying pups should stay with there moms until 12 weeks. In my opinion if you do one thing wrong as a breeder you probably do something else wrong as well. I'm not going to respect someone I feel does things wrong like what I think is a bad breeder. You can not say my words are sarcastic because you can not hear them it is simply your interpretation. It has been said here many times a poster does not make another poster leave they choose to do it. Something my therapist repeats to me often surprisingly when we are talking about YorkieTalk no one can make anyone do anything. So it wasn't rude or nasty for Gemy to take a hit at me being a bad pet owner when I sure as heck have done more for my dog and gone into debt for my dog more then most would do. She knows that because of how much I love my Callie just how big and bad that would hit. In the real world people lie threw there teeth and my naive believe everyone has gotten me into massive trouble before so I have learned you can't take everyone for what they say especially when one we are on a message board and when I have multiple people telling me they think the same thing. It was not meant to be an attack on Gemy you can choose to believe me or not but it wasn't and I apologized that she felt it was because I am sorry that she thought I was doing that. It gets tiring when people take every single word you have to say and find a deferent meaning then what you really meant. The breeder could still come back and explain and if I feel I'm wrong I would apologize, I have done it before but I'm guessing there is no explain action that it is what it is. I have been told to always remember to write in my opinion yet that is still not good enough. So what is it you people want? Me to not be me? Me to lie? Me to only post positive stuff with rainbows and sunshine even though nothing is like that? Maybe that is why people decided to leave........
Taylor, if a person does not accept an apology there is nothing else you can do. It happens apologize because you mean it....and if they don't accept it, then they just don't.

As for what they want...who knows? I personally would not lose sleep over it. Just be true to yourself. I have seen so much growth in you on this forum over time....just keep it up girl! You are doing your best to share your knowledge and experience and you have as much of a right to voice your opinions as anyone else.

I also don't get what the deal is with this breeder. I would never fully support a breeder unless I knew something about them. So, yes, I too would think anyone who supported her would know something about her. BUT just because I would do it that way, does not mean they do. Maybe they don't know her and are simply reacting to people not rolling out the red carpet...I don't know.
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