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Old 10-23-2014, 05:48 PM   #1
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Posts: 22
Confused Yorkie throwing up blood

I am curious if anyone out there has experienced something similar. My yorkie is a 2 year old female and she has always been healthy until yesterday. She started drinking unusual amounts of water on Saturday, peeing every hour. The trend continued on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with nothing else unusual going on. Then Wednesday morning she threw up what looked like food from the day before and she refused to eat all day long but did drink lots of water.

On Thursday morning she threw up something brownish which seemed to be dried blood. She was not walking well and only managed to stand long enough to pee. I immediately took her to the vet.

They x-rayed her but could not see any signs of obstruction or any other internal issues. The white blood count, red blood count and platelets were fine as well. She did not have a fever.
They did say that she was dehydrated so they kept her for the day and administered IV fluids until the evening.
They will get the rest of the lab results tomorrow for kidney and liver function.
When I picked her up from the vet tonight, they did say that her blood was very thick and milky and they suspect that she might have a very high fat content in her blood, which if confirmed by the test results tomorrow, could mean pancreatitis.

She's been sleeping ever since I brought her home (so the past 3 hours), took her outside to pee but she could barely walk 3-4 steps, even stepped in her own pee which she never does.

Tomorrow morning I am taking her back for another round of IV to thin her blood out and get some of that fat moving. I will also get the remaining results in the morning.

She weighs the same as last year, 7 pounds, she looks quite skinny.
She is a picky eater and I am pretty sure I made mistakes with her diet.
She likes cooked food that we eat (soups with veggies in them, or boiled and baked meat). She also likes apples and carrots. Dehydrated chicken breast or bison or bacon. Her favorite is liverwurst.
She has never been on regular dried dog food. I also don't give her raw meet. Everything she eats has to be organic and I stay away from cereals (though she had an occasional pasta left over maybe once every month).

The doctor thinks that she's either not capable of processing fat due to a genetic issue or that the ratio of fat and proteins in her diet is way too high. She proposed feeding her 1 part boiled chicken breast with 3 parts white rice as her main meal in the future.

What is your take on all this? I will get back tomorrow with more updates of her status and blood results. But I am curious if my story sounds familiar to anyone out there.

Last edited by cristinaberger; 10-23-2014 at 05:51 PM.
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