Thread: Biggest Prank?
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Old 02-26-2006, 09:26 PM   #23
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Once when we went skiing with some friends. My husband's brother and sister and some of their friends went skiing at the same time. We each had separate condos that we had rented. They got into our condo and rigged up the vaccuum to shoot dirt out when we opened the door and we had kool-aid in the shower heads of our showers, we found out the next morning, when we showered. To get them back our guys went over during the night and tied their door shut. The doors opened to the inside and the condos had a porch with a railing. So the door handles were tied to the porch railing!! The windows were too small to crawl through and they were stuck inside. They ended up getting a little slack in the rope on the door knob and little by little they finally worked and got it open. Well, we knew that they were then going to go and do something to our condo, so we booby trapped our own condo!! We had open rafters in the living area of our condo so we set a pail of water over the door and attached it to the door knob. When we saw them later my husband's brother and sister both had wet hair. They were both anxious to get inside the condo and the water got both of them!!

We played a game once where my husband had his head sticking up between 2 tables (they made it look like just one long table) and had a big bowl over him. There were other bowls with objects under them on the table. Four or five people (including me) were taken out of the room and brought back in one by one. They were to turn over each bowl from smallest to largest and guess what was underneath as quickly as they could. Needless to say when they got to my husband he would scare them. I was the last to go in. I went quickly guessing what was underneath all the bowls, while my husband was really laughing to himself about how he was really going to scare me good. When I reached my husband, I had already been told that he was underneath the big bowl, I picked up a cool-whip pie that was underneath another pie and got him right in the face when I picked up the bowl. Boy, was he surprised!!! I got him good!!!

I'm sure that I'll have some more stories to tell as soon as I remember them. We have a family full of pranks!!!
Diana and Reuger
Take time to laugh. It is the music of the soul.
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