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Old 09-01-2014, 08:57 PM   #1
aka ♥SquishyFace♥
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Default Just wanted to thank you all...

For your caring, compassionate responses with respect to Teddy's separation anxiety (as well as previous and subsequent posts) and my complete breakdown which was as a result of ineptitude which conflicts with a strong desire to do and be the right person for my dog.

He brings me so much joy and I want to thank him in turn with kindness, compassion and security.

A lot of people think motherhood should just come naturally, marriage, understanding the human psyche and yes, even dog ownership. But things do not always work out like they do on TV or even for others in 'real life' so it's nice to have people who can support those in need, like me, when the going gets tough.

I can't name everyone individually so please know, from the bottom of my heart, that I appreciate each and every one of you for the time you took out of your lives to respond to me and I hope I can be as helpful to all of you as you have been for me.

Enough gooshy stuff now, I'm watching Hoarders, drinking coffee and considering the role of neurotransmitters in inhibition, namely, at post synaptic gaps.

Last edited by SirTeddykins; 09-01-2014 at 09:01 PM.
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