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Old 09-01-2014, 02:15 PM   #17
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Richmond VA
Posts: 176

I am so sorry that you have to face this quandary! Shame on the breeder, but I also know how hard it is to leave "your" puppy.

I am not endorsing the breeder's practice nor do I want to offend anyone with strong "walk away" opinions, but we did get our first yorkie 18 years ago, the day she turned 7 weeks old, put her immediately into the car for a seven hour trip to my in-laws' house. At the time I know they had a cat, and other dogs had lived in the house. We were young(er) and way less educated about how to protect our ball of fluff, who in hindsight was from a backyard breeder. We were just glad to see the parents and know that she had been loved on every day.

We probably did everything "wrong" with our Mercy, yet she lived to be over sixteen years old, and other than an occasional tummy problem, was in pretty good health for fourteen of those years. The last two she was just pitifully old.

I guess the moral is that there are not guarantees, but I wanted to add some encouragement if you do choose to take this little pup. Read all you can. You will be so much better prepared than we were!
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