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Old 08-29-2014, 06:51 PM   #20
aka ♥SquishyFace♥
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Originally Posted by Cat2861 View Post
I'm sorry to hear about all the issues you have but I want to let you know what I have done with my little one.

Remy only goes in his crate at night to sleep and it is on my side of the bed so he can see me and I can see him. (He is very content in his crate at night).

I have a pen for him for when I need to run errands or if I need to keep him safe while I am doing something in the house.

Remy follows me everywhere. He can be playing with his toys and the minute I move to go to another room he does too. It's like he is attached to my hip. He has major separation anxiety. I have been following advice from this forum on helping him out with his separation anxiety and is is definitely working. He has come a long way.

These dogs are very needy, smart, lovable, want to please you, cuddly, etc. You just have to let them know that you are the alpha dog and just be consistent with training them. Training takes a lot of patience but it's well worth it in the long run. I praise Remy constantly with treats and without treats. That is how I got him to use the pee pads, sit, lay down, bring me a certain toy, heel as we walk, etc.

Does he have his bad days....Of course he does but that's just part of life. We all have our bad days.

IMO, I would ditch the trainer. He doesn't sound like a good trainer to me.

I wish you the best of luck!
Thank you so much for this. Your Remy sounds just like Teddy and it sounds like you're doing what I'm doing. Dealing with SA is so very hard but I absolutely adore Teddy so will do what needs to be done to make him happy

Thank you for your support. x
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