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Old 08-10-2014, 07:46 PM   #9
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I hate seeing this thread because honestly I have been worried about this pairing from the start. Rosco was old and mellow and your puppy is young, playful, nippy and outweighs Joel and will only be getting larger and larger. Joel from what you have posted is a loveable, confident, and a full of himself big guy in a little dog's body. He was used to walking all over Rosco and getting away with it, now in a way you are expecting Joel's behavior that at one time you thought was cute to change and you are expecting a puppy to act like an adult dog all mellow and relaxed. If you wanted a playmate for Joel you should have found one around his same size and age now instead you will be forced for safety sake to keep one or the other crated and closely supervised. It pains me to think that you would take on an Akita puppy, if you really feel like what you just posted. I used ALL my patients and training when Joel was a pup and I feel like I have nothing left lol

Since you owned other Akita's I am sure you are well aware of their need for training so I hope you step up to the challenge for the safety and welfare of both dogs and if you are not up for it or don't have the knowledge you need to find someone to help you.

Right Breed for You?
Although known to be a quiet dog (they are known as the "Silent Hunter" in Japan), the Akita has strong guarding instincts and will sound the alarm if an intruder breaks into their house. Akita temperament can range from calm to bouncy and aggressive, so the breed should always be supervised around small children and other animals. Akitas like to be "pack leader," so obedience training is also necessary for a harmonious household.
Lola my amazing little yorkie-pom
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