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Old 06-18-2014, 01:10 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Britster View Post
I always think the dog park is a good place for socialized dogs, *not* socializing dogs. You are walking into unknown territory, you don't know these people, you don't know their dogs.

I'm just indifferent with dog parks in general these days. I do think you have to know your dog, their temperament/level of training, and also know what the park is like, regarding the people/dogs that attend, and then try to minimize risk. For the most part, I find dog park goers mean well. But of course you always get the idiots. And for a timid dog? One bad dog park experience can ruin them for life. I don't go to the dog park so that Jackson can socialize with *people*... he hates being pet by strangers, and we've had a few idiots who think trying to pick him up is okay.

I used to frequent two parks, but more one than the other. Nowadays, I rarely go "for the dog park" but rather to walk around the state park, and then possibly make a visit to the small dog park if we see some dogs in there that look friendly or that Jackson would enjoy. He's a little bit 'over' the dog park in general lately as far as playing with other dogs, BUT sometimes he will find a dog that he REALLY enjoys and will run/wrestle/play/etc and it's always nice to see. Other days, he just enjoys the new smells, peeing on things, and walking around by himself. But he's never "unhappy" to go there.

I typically know what times and days to go, and what dogs (and breeds, honestly) to avoid. If I see something I'm uncomfortable with, we leave. I consider myself pretty good at reading dog body language as well as my own. I will say that I see a lot more issues on the big dog side, and even though I used to go in there with Jackson (when I'd meet friends with bigger dogs) - I won't do it anymore. I'm too nervous after seeing a few things.

If Jackson didn't enjoy it at all, we'd no longer go. But, he's a fairly chill guy - he knows to avoid certain dogs, or not egg dogs on, etc. He's very respectful of other dogs and understanding of when they want to wrestle, or chase, or just lay down together. He's very good at reading other dogs and stays out of any potential trouble. BUT, he will get very defensive if a dog starts something with him or hurts him, which is why we don't do the big dog side anymore and haven't in over a year. I don't ever want to put him in that position to feel the need to protect himself.

But overall we've had positive experiences at the dog park but there are always going to be idiots out there, and I have seen my fair share, but... it is what it is.
Hey, I took some pictures of him at the dog park on his first day. How does his body language look to you? I think I'm fairly good at reading body language, but I know I could be wrong. Oh, btw, I kept his leash on him but he ran around on his own.
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