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Old 06-13-2014, 10:56 AM   #3
Cha Cha
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I understand your fears. Here is my story:

Hello. I always felt if anyone could manage an unspayed dog, I could. I have the experience, the education and knowledge to take care of my dog, whelp litters and raise puppies. Not just on a whim, but real experience. Even though breeding Moka never once crossed my mind, (not breeding quality) she had silent heat cycles and that "should" have been my first warning. Because of the silent heats, I just put off spaying. Not to be confused with absent heats. She cycled she just didn't show the normal symptoms.

But, Moka developed pyometra after a silent heat cycle. As much experience as I have with animals pyometra wasn't one of them, and I truly contribute my experience/background in saving her life. She was off, but most people wouldn't have noticed. She still ate, followed me, etc. Just off. Something wasn't right. She had a sad look about her. So, I scheduled a spay. My vet actually called me to tell me they opened her up and she was pregnant. I told them that was impossible, and that I knew for a fact she was never exposed to a male dog. Not just during heat, but ever. So they opened her uterus expecting to prove me wrong, and it was full of infection. It was what's called 'closed pyometra' so there wasn't any outward signs like vaginal discharge that would have alerted me to a problem. It was all contained to the uterus. My vet told me not only did I just save a lot of money, but I saved her life. Pyometra if not caught early is very serious and can be very fatal. Moka did not fit the normal criteria for pyometra either. She never mated, never whelped a litter, (both of which can introduce infection) and was very young. I will never weigh the risks of spay vs not spay again, and I will not wait. Moka has always been sweet and special. But more so after her spay. I love the saying for horses "you love your stud? You'll love your gelding more." And it holds true for dogs as well.
Shelly and the girls Moka Mylee
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