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Old 05-04-2014, 05:08 AM   #250
Piddle Place
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Default Housebreaking your Yorkie

Originally Posted by hollybear View Post
My husband and I recently got a yorkie from a friend. He was never housebroken before we got him. He is about a year old. We just had him neutered in hopes of decreasing his peeing accidents. I work 3rd and my husband is not currently working. He is hoping to be able to get a job but feels stuck because Cliffy, our dog, keeps peeing and pooping in his cage, sometimes without whining or anything. When I am able, each day, I try to put him on a lead and have him on my recliner with me to play and get attention. My husband tries to let him be with him and our other dogs in the dining room, while he is on the computer. We are hoping one of these schedules wi'' help us train Cliffy.
Hi Hollybear and Cliffy.
Your dog is still young that with a little love and effort, you will enjoy many years together. Its unusual for a dog to "go" in their crate, did he come from a shelter? Often at shelters, dogs have no option but to "go" in a crate where they sleep, and this causes the dog stress.
To start, you may need to limit his freedom, but not to just the crate. When we train dogs, we always use a crate, but we don't close it, somethings this makes the dog more anxious. We suggest you purchase a child play fence from babies - r -us. Just the cheap folding plastic kind. It forms a 8 foot circle. Leave Cliffys crate open to his play area. Put things in the area to make it a "fun" spot for him. Chew toys, fresh water, and some type of dog toilet. As our name implies, we are the Piddle Place, but there are many options out there, and since this is a temporary situation for you, maybe just use a turf. Your Cliffy does not want to poop and pee in his crate, so if he has the option, I bet he will "go" on the turf. As he becomes trained, you can offer him more freedom. Does he also "go" outside? If he does not like to "go" outside, it will be a simple switch to bring the turf you have been using outside, and he will know it is safe to "go" outside in the spot you designate.

Make Cliffy comfortable. Please don't scold him when he does not do what you expect, but rather place him in the right spot, and say encouraging words. I also work long hours, so Jaz uses her indoor dog toilet when I am at work, and we go for a walk when I get home. It has proven to be the best of both worlds for us. Remember none of these indoor dog toilets should replace exercise. Cliffy will need walks to stay healthy. There are lizards to chase!

Let us know what happens
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