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Old 04-16-2014, 06:55 AM   #13
YT 1000 Club Member
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I personally don't think $400 is too much to pay for a pet quality yorkie. If you go on pet finder, you will find rescues that are asking that much to rehome the dogs. Heck, my friend paid over $300 to adopt a mixed breed from the Humane Society in Detroit.

The biggest difference is that when you get a dog from a rescue or a humane society, the dog is usually spayed and up to date on shots and the rescues will often even do the dentals. It sounds like the OP will have to do these things himself.

From the sound of things, it seems like the owner doesn't really want the dog, but she wants to make one last buck off the little girls back. If I were the OP, I might go back and try to reason with the owner and offer a lower price . I'd explain that the dog will need to be spayed and have a dental AND that it is an adult 5 year old x-breeder and that you can find one on Petfinder for the same price, or even cheaper that IS vetted.

I had a similar incident happen to me recently. Someone didn't want their little female yorkie and wanted to rehome it and a friend told me about it because he knows I have the boys. Of course, I volunteered to take her and give her a good home even though I am pretty much at my capacity with pets. I knew she hadn't been vetted and had probably had a tough life.

As soon as the guy found out I was interested and he might be able to make a buck, he wanted to SELL me the dog....the dog he didn't want and was trying to get rid of. I told my friend to tell him no...I wasn't interested in buying the dog. I was doing it more as a favor to give the pup a better life.

I hope, for the sake of the pup, that the OP at least is able to get the pup to try her out. I hope he's able to talk down the current owner in price as well. It sounds like the current owner has made enough off this little girl's back.

Last edited by theporkieyorkie; 04-16-2014 at 06:57 AM.
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