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Old 03-19-2014, 05:25 PM   #241
Piddle Place
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Default Housebreaking your Winston

Ppastry for your Winston,

I have trained thousands of dogs to use an indoor dog toilet, and I would love to talk to you. With the exception of one stubborn Schnauzer, I think I can help you get the job done.

You dog is still young, so it should not be a problem as when we try toredirect a ten year old dog. You are welcome to message me, and I will give you my office number is you want to talk.

There are some great training tips on Dog Toilet Training | Teaching your best friend new life skills.
I would like to know a bit more about your specific situation. I think you dog wants to please you, but might just be a bit confused. Does he exhibit and specific trends when he wants to go? IE: some dogs need to hide themselves when the "go" so they run into the bushes or behind the sofa. Some dogs don't like to be watched. One thing I will tell you is to start fresh. I know it brings up a whole different topic, but I think allowing a dog to have their indoor dog toilet makes for a more comfortable pooch, especially for us working ladies with a dog that has a small bladder.

Here is where I would start. I have a company called Piddle Place, so I want to claim this so as not to sound like I am selling our product. The next time your Winston has to go, be there with him. Say "go potty" as soon as he goes, and reward him with a small piece of chicken (I used a piece of hot dog, but I would not admit it). Please try this for a whole week. Every time you see him go..even not where of how you want, say "go potty" reward, and act like he just won a gold medal at the olympics. What we are trying to do is let him associate "go potty" with immediate reward. Pretty soon he should "go" on command to earn a reward.

Next setup your Piddle Place or whatever dog toilet you are using, and when he has to go, place him on it and say "go potty" Does your dog use puppy pads? If so the transition is really simple. It might also be necessary to have a bit of dog urine on the toilet you are using. Your Winston will get the smell and certainly get the idea.

Be consistent, reward, and show your dog what is expected. He want to please you, you just need to show him what is expected. Find a way to communicate. Some of these indoor dog toilets can fit in your crate, so you can bring it with you when you travel.
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