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Old 03-16-2014, 04:19 AM   #3
YT 3000 Club Member
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When you do an online search for any breed of dog, but especially a Yorkie, the sites that come up are puppy mills. That is because they are high volume dog sellers. They make the most precious looking sites but they are scams.

Good breeders do have websites but they don't come up in a general search. You have to know what you are looking for.

You could go to the AKC website and look up conformation clubs in your state They have breeder referral contact persons who can give you names of reputable breeders. Their reputation as a club is on the line so they try to give the best prospects they have. Of course you still need to check the place out for yourself. Every state has at least one club as far as I know and some states have several

American Kennel Club - Club Search and Directory
You could also do a breed club search which would locate any strictly Yorkie clubs that may be in your state.

I would recommend that you stay away from the AKC classified ads since they allow anyone who registers with them to use those ads. AKC has many puppy mills that register with them so you don't want to get mixed up with that. The clubs have very high standards since they are competing for titles. Those breeders have pet puppies that they sell for reasonable prices. The sale of pet puppies helps them to cover some of the costs of breeding and showing.

As I said you do need to do your own homework as far as knowing what questions to ask and how to check out a breeder. Good luck on your search for a new family member.
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