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Old 03-05-2014, 12:14 PM   #7
YT 1000 Club Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: dearborn heights
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I think it's a long shot....but maybe the breeder would be willing to work with you and help you with the vet bills. I hate it when the only option they give you is to return your pet. They know and they are betting on the fact that you'll get so attached to your puppy that you won't be able to return it and you'll ultimately be the one stuck with the financial responsibility of fixing the pup. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people come on here in similar situations.

If the breeder isn't willing to help pay to get your pup fixed while it's in your care, it makes you wonder what they'd do with the pup if you returned it. Would they put it to sleep...would they just sell it to another unsuspecting customer without paying to fix it...would they give it to a rescue and expect the rescue to fork over the $$??

I know everyone reads the contracts before they sign them, but nobody thinks that their healthy puppy is going to be sick. I guess I could understand seeing the replacement being necessary for a "life threatening" the dog has encephalitis or something like that....but LP is not. It's just EXPENSIVE to fix and the breeder doesn't want to have to shell out thousands on a puppy.

When I see contracts like that, it makes me wonder how sound their lines are. If they weren't worried about having to pay for problems like LP all of the time, they'd just say the vet bills were covered up to a year.
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