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Old 03-03-2014, 02:02 PM   #84
YT 1000 Club Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
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I choose to feed high quality canned 2x a day and unlimited kibble. This works for me because it's cheaper and I know Lola is getting the right amount of food because she regulates it. All of my family's dogs have been fed like this and only one had a weight problem (my cousin's dog, too much people food and treats). Our dogs also lived long healthy lives despite coming from bybers and petstores and feeding them mighty dog, beneful, and beggin strips.

I looked into raw due to Lola's pickyness and it's not worth exposing myself to the bacteria because I have a compromised immune system. It's extremely annoying that pet store employees and some customers continue to try to push premade raw on me and act like I'm doing my dog a disservice even after I explain my reasons.

There is more than one healthy way to feed dogs, just like people. Low carb works for many people, but not for me, and that's ok.

I don't really care what other people feed their dog as long as it's working for them, it isn't dangerous (mostly recalls and unbalanced homecooking) and they don't disrespect my choices.
The only time I've ever fought with someone over feeding their dog was when a friend's family was raising a service dog puppy and they were feeding it chunks of butter as a treat.
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