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Old 03-01-2014, 05:51 PM   #18
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: Twentynine Palms, California
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Originally Posted by theporkieyorkie View Post
My pup had similar symptoms, but he was much older when he came down with them(9 years old). We found out he had IBD and he would have such tummy aches that he wouldn't eat in the am. He had such audible tummy sounds that I could hear them across the room.

It sounds like the mucous coating is from having an upset tummy, but the bloody stool could be the result of a few different things.

It's definitely possible that the random stuff he's eating could be causing the issue, or it could be the new food he's eating. Something is upsetting the poor little guy's GI tract!!

What where the antibiotics called??

Does he have other things at home to occupy his time while you are gone?? Chew toys or puzzle toys?? etc etc?? Perhaps you should buy trash cans with the lids on top that you have to push open with your feet. My friend had to do that with his bathroom trash bc his dog kept eating it. .

You could also buy a baby gate and confine him to a smaller, safe area where he can't tear things the kitchen. Just make sure you pick up the trash and rugs and anything he can get into. You could leave his toys for him in there and perhaps a radio or TV on for him. One pet parent just bought dog TV for her pup and they love it!!

I imagine eating all of that stuff is really upsetting his tummy. Some of these little guys really have sensitive tummy's and they cannot handle things like human food or even certain brands of dog food, so I imagine things like cardboard can really do a number on them
How would my vet know if it's IBD? And what if I'm not mistaken the only think you can do to treat IBD is to change their diet right?
I will defiantly be purchasing a baby gate, I would hate to see him in a kennel and I know he would hate it too. Yes he does have plenty of toys to play with but like mention earlier...I think it's the fact that I'm just not home that makes him think that he could do as he pleases ha.
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