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Old 02-19-2014, 06:39 AM   #34
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I did a lot of reading about heart worm when Gemy's Zoey had heart worm, particularly the information on the American Heartworm Association site. All of my Rainbow Bridge babies and now Katie took heart worm medication only when mosquitos are present. I really didn't know what to do because I've read enough threads about heart worm here on YT and thought of using it year round. My vet's preference is to discontinue heart worm medication in the winter because he prefers less chemicals unless necessary. He said to start back in May.

When I was playing outside with Katie early May last year, I saw a mosquito, and I somewhat panicked. She was at the vet within a few days for a heart worm test, and we resumed the heart worm medication. She took her last dose early December. It broke my heart seeing the anguish Gemy went through with Zoey. Her dogs are normally treated, but a dosage was probably missed. She is very active with her dogs and takes day and overnight trips hiking and swimming with her pups often. That year she was also at an outdoor dog show in Kentucky that Razzle was being shown in. Whether Zoey contracted heart worm in the U.S. or Ontario is unknown.

I really do worry about the chemicals we put on our pups, but I put them on my little girl because I am afraid of the alternatives. I worry about cancer, too. Gemy's Zoey was diagnosed with lymphoma a few months after she underwent heart worm treatment. We will never know if those intense heart worm treatments contributed to her cancer; it probably didn't, but how do we really know for sure? Gemy is so careful with her pups and gives them such good, whole foods and the best medical care. I think I'm going to make sure that Katie gets tested again the end of April and started on heart worm medication before the mosquitoes arrive. These small doses are far better than if a dog actually gets heart worm. Heart worm treatment is very toxic and can be deadly, and pups really suffer undergoing treatment. For me, it's finding a balance. At this point Katie is off of it for a few months, but that could change if I hear of incidences in the Northeast of heart worm during the winter.

I can't let my fears get in the way of doing what's best for Katie. I never had a problem with fleas or ticks with any of my babies, but I used Frontline on them and before that Program. This past June I was late putting Katie's topical on her, mostly because I was trying Advantix II and was scared. My husband checks Katie every day for any new lump or bump and found a tiny tick on her under her armpit. It couldn't have been there long since he checks her daily. If she had gotten Lyme Disease because of my fear of the topical, I would never have forgiven myself. Katie was fine and I make sure I give her the preventative monthly.
Lisa and Katie

Ashley 6/10, Gracie 2/04, Kiwi 10/03, and Jolie 7/93 .
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