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Old 02-07-2014, 07:43 AM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
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Posts: 7
Default Crate Training HELP needed!!!

Well this will probably be a long one but I'm running on NO SLEEP and need to go into the calm & submissive mode!!! HELP!!

We got Ellie (who was born Nov 6th, so 3 mos old) on Sat Feb 1. We had previous dogs (it's been about 10+ years) and this time we want to do it RIGHT. Last dogs were never crate trained or sociable.

So we got her used to the crate & she went in there ON HER OWN. That to us was success! lol So, the first night home w/ her she was in her crate which was kept in our living room. I decided to sleep on the couch so I could get up with her to let her out. Well, I ended up moving the crate next to the couch & would put my hand in there until she calmed down & stopped crying. We did that for the first night. Second night, I moved the crate to our bedroom and had it next to me again in arms reach. Well, the next day we took her to the vet & he told me to STOP putting my hand in there. She just has to cry it out.

Ok, the 3rd night she cried for 35 mins before she fell asleep. She woke up I let her outside & then it was 20 mins before she stopped crying.

We basically repeated this the next 2 nights but first I would let her stay in bed with me while I watched TV...then when it was lights out I put her in her kennel (she went in freely) and not a whimpered. Slept for a few hours and then it wasn't too much crying. So we thought we were doing AWESOME & making progress.

Well until last night. Her 6th night. TOTAL NIGHTMARE. I let her in bed with me again until she was calm & ready for bed. She went into her kennel at 10:00 and slept until 12:30. I let her out, she didn't go pee. The next TWO hours were horrific. She went in her kennel but cried for 30 mins, so I let her in bed with me (which I know I should not have done) I then tried again after she calmed down....nope, crying barking whining for another 20 mins or so. At one point she did finally stop but it was only for 2 or 3 mins, then she started up again. She REFUSED to go back into her kennel & I read to never FORCE them in so I didn't want to do that. I tried everything I could. After awhile I turned the TV on & just let her on the floor of my room, she wanted on the bed, I said no, go in your kennel....over & over & over again. After I did get her in (which I did put her in myself, again not what I wanted to do) I left the door open but had my hand in front to not allow her out. I suppose 20 mins of this. Finally after the 2 hours of her not going back to sleep in her kennel. I left her in there & went to the couch. Well she went hysterical. Barking, crying, yelping etc...My husband who was already on another couch needed to sleep since he had to get up for work in a few hours, ended up letting her out of the kennel. I was on another level of the house, she found me & slept on the couch for the next 3 or 4 hours. She was exhuasted I know because she would have slept longer if I didn't have to get the kids up for school. Not sure why she didn't pee at 12:30 when I let her out, she was normally doing her business at night & then getting right back in the house (it's cold, subzero nights here)

I have been home with her pretty much the last 6 days but have gone out shopping a couple of times for a few hours at a time. So the most she has been in her crate along was probably the 3-4 hours at night. During the day it's only been 2-3 hours. She has only had 1 or maybe 2 accidents in her crate. Lots in the house but we are working on that. I am more concerned with getting her liking her crate. How can she go from walking right into it to refusing to go in there! I know she probably should be taking naps in there but she won't stay in there unless I lock it & if I am home during the day she will just cry.

I'm at a loss. I don't want her to have seperation anxiety but I think it's coming to that already as well.

She is on a med for roundworm and some other parasite. Does the meds have ANYTHING to do with this??

My sweet Ellie is really really testing me & I need help!!
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