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Old 01-31-2014, 07:57 AM   #8
♥ Love My Tibbe! ♥
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Originally Posted by ferretgrl05 View Post
Thank you for the advice everyone! I was thinking i should probably just get some bloodwork done. Even if it comes back fine that could give me piece of mind. I can't seem to catch a break with the expensive vet bills. My other little girl Sony was sick for two months with a uti and clostridium bacteria... That was decided after hoards of expensive tests done. I finally got a carecredit credit card which really helps but doesnt undue the scary amount of money i spent to get her well. I love my babies so much.
I guess i should've given some background... Stella just turned 2 on January 16th. She has always been kind of "moody." She has days where she is really playful and days where she is not. She has been that way for the majority of her life. It has just been uncommon for her to go so long mopey. This winter has been crazy with the weather temps. My yorkies are spoiled rotten... They are fed orijen food. I just decided to start switching to an acana food with different animal proteins to see if it has any affect. They have loads of toys and get lots of attention. In fact, i drive my husband nuts because he says all i talk about and think about are the girls.
To an extent that is true... I am constantly worried about them... whether they are healthy or not. In Stella (2 years) and Sony's (1 yr and 4 months) of life i have contended with tonsillitis... a stubborn case of ringworm.... a uti.... a cyst on the eyeball.... claustridium bacteria... and the list goes on. I do everything i can to keep them healthy and entertained and happy. Just doesn't seem to work Hopefully nothing is seriously wrong with her or it will crush me.
She has played today some Just in multiple not as intense bouts. She still wrestles with her sister and everything. Just worried she seems not as active and looks sad sometimes when she is resting. I was just at the vet today to get sony a second round of antibiotic and panacur and got Stella's anal sacs emptied. I should've got things checked out then.
I can't enjoy life with my girls because they are always puny
If it turns out she's healthy and isn't having any other symptoms, she might need more out of life if she's a very bright dog. She might just need more structure to her life such as a regular schedule of training and puzzles/games to keep her working, learning and feeling good about herself. Really intelligent dogs have to be constantly challenged to stay happy - I have had a few in life & have one of those types now. Without his almost daily training or some type of puzzle to work out, he's bored silly and tends to bait me to train him, play with him or mope unless he's working at learning something or we're out and about a lot, which we haven't been able to do lately so I have to train him more to keep him happy. And I play puzzles with him where he has to scent out his hidden treats and toys and a big celebration when he sniffs them out in the other room or down the hall or find his treats in his puzzle game. He adores those! He's a very bright dog but he's probably one that would just give up if he didn't have someone to give him structured learning activities and puzzles to work out.

Tibbe has MVD but it didn't really show up until he was 3 - 4 years of age. He started by spitting up occasionally, a bout of diarrhea and not eating for a whole day, sleeping all the time, lethargic though he would go on walks and play normally. After his routine liver blood work turned out to be normal, Crystal/Ellie May(a member here who is in veterinary medicine studies) told me that even normal liver studies doesn't mean a dog doesn't have liver dysfunction and recommended Bile Acid Tests to see if he possibly had liver shunt or, MVD that was causing his occasional symptoms. His Bile Acids were high, so he got a nuclear scintigraphy/abdominal sonogram and was found NOT to have liver shunt but it was highly suspected he had MVD so he was started on a hepatic diet which he loves and almost instantly his occasional bouts of spitting up and lethargy were over and he was feisty and very, very playful once again at age 6 years!

So any time a dog is lethargic and not behaving normally, it never hurts to get them tested out by the vet, give any and all symptoms, take in a video of any odd behavior to show the vet and have an exam done just in case there is a mild condition or disease process such as Tibbe had lurking in the background.
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis
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