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Old 01-17-2014, 12:03 PM   #22
Cha Cha
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I also grew up raising cattle, horse, and sheep. I was in 4-H, FFA and went to school for horse reproduction. I have only watched the show a few times. He really isn't what I am accustomed to for vet care. I think it's his bedside manner though not necessarily his techniques.

That said, I agree there is a lot to that show, or large animal vetting, that many people do not understand unless you live the life. When a vet is called to the farm, they are at the mercy of the conditions of the farm. Some are meticulously clean, others are less so to put it mildly. It never fails too that an animal is ill or down during the worst weather conditions, and a vet has to work within those conditions. Also, while dairy cattle are frequent to human interaction and can be quite docile, range cattle much less so and can be mean and aggressive. The equipment used to restrain them can look intimidating, inhumane, or cruel. The animal doesn't understand it is to help them and they often fight it, but it is also to keep people safe because they can be unpredictable.

Another thing about farm animals, is horses are considered livestock to some, companion animals to others. Many, many horse people see their horses much like you and I see our dogs, as part of the family. Cattle, sheep, and pig farmers too, but horses are much more sensitive, and their needs much different than other livestock. Many ranchers who have cattle also have horses and will have their cattle vets treat their horses while they are there, and get along fine, but most horse people (around me anyways) want a horse vet when their horse needs one. We are fortunate in my area to have that option. In our area, large animal, one vet treats all clinics, are less known than vets who prefer to practice in one area. Again, a country large animal vet here may treat the farmer's dog and get along just fine, but the average family here with dogs and cats will seek a small animal practice for their pets and a different practice for their cattle/horses.
Shelly and the girls Moka Mylee
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