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Old 01-11-2014, 11:52 AM   #28
Resident Yorkie Nut Donating YT 20K Club Member
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Originally Posted by MarkFromSea View Post
I agree.... it's up to the pros to figure out how it'll be done. We don't want to risk losing him by attempting to improve his health. A vet has spoken against anesthesia due to his health...... I'll get a second opinion but realistically.... how would you feel IF you were faced with the same... then just found someone that would use anesthesia... and your dog died... ? Yep, that's where I'm at.... and in this case, it's not my decision alone... so what if I do get convinced to go the anesthesia route, I, in turn convince Robyn and then he dies on the table.... I lose my old pup and Robyn would NATURALLY blame me. I wouldn't blame her for that... That would take some time to repair as well.

He'll get some dental work, we just don't know exactly how yet... 21 Jan, we'll know more.

Thanks for the comments... I appreciate them.
My vet recommended against anesthesia for George because of the problem he had when he had his last dental with her and because of the discovery of collapsed trachea weeks after at A&M....BUT not against a consult with a specialist.

I don't know what your pup has that led your vet to recommend against anesthesia. My concern is why he/she would suggest a highly risky procedure in place of it. With a dental without anesthesia there is a higher risk of aspiration and if lungs are already compromised then that is really a frightening scenario to me. If you provide Robyn with all of this information I think she will totally understand. Besides, you are only going for a least listen to what a specialist has to say. I have no idea of the health of your pup nor do I know if he can withstand anesthesia; but my guess is he could .. I have seen and heard of many others who were ill and had it. My son just had a 15 year old done at the specialist...I just did not post about it because I wanted to simply get George's story out for you to read and also the links.
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