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Old 12-17-2013, 05:12 AM   #13
Yorkie mom of 4
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Originally Posted by Rainbows View Post
Wow...There are some mean comments in this thread. If someone wants a puppy and they make it aware to the person gifting that they can handle the responsibility I see no problem giving a puppy as a gift. Also, I know a lot of low income people that take care of their animals and even make sure they go to the vets and on a regular basis and are well cared for...It's nobody business what other people's financial situation is, that is a very personal touchy thing and a bit judgemental. I would never not get someone a puppy just because they don't make what my opinion of 'enough money' is.

This is the time of year to be nice to each other, and not be so mean and give some compassion. We can't tell people what they can and can't do, and chances are if someone has their mind set on gifting a puppy they are going to do it knowing full well the responsibilities. Besides, yorkies stay cute forever! My experience has been very positive with puppy gifts, I've yet to meet anyone who got one and just abandoned it or stopped paying attention to it after a few months...Then again most people don't just go giving out puppies to just anybody, especially yorkies. I even know someone that got a Rottweiler puppy worth a good amount in exchange for painting a garage...That guy kept the dog for 12 years until it died from a tumor.
Here in the US its a lot different we have huge increase in surrenders at shelters, abandoned animals, and lots of people listing on websites trying to get ride of there animals after Christmas. Most of the time a little kid will ask for a puppy or the parent just thinks its a good idea to get the puppy then they find out how much work it is and no longer want the puppy or when the kid is asking for a puppy they say they will take full care of it and the parents find out they wont. We have a lot of people breeding yorkies poorly here in the US so people can get a poorly breed yorkie pretty cheap sometimes. I don't think some one should have to make a certain amount of money to own a dog I just think they have to be able to pay for and get the dog proper medical care and things the dog needs. A lot of people are having money problems and have outstanding bills and the dogs take the backseat and when there dog gets sick some either can't afford to take the dog to the vet or wont. But when getting a pet your finances play a big part. If you have many many bills that need to be payed and are hardly getting by getting a pet is not a good idea because with a puppy the first year is very expensive and its not fair to the dog if it has to suffer when it gets sick because you can't take them to the vet. No one is being rude or judgmental we are just seeing and saying how it is in the US.
My babies Joey, Penny ,Ollie & Dixie
Callie Mae, you will forever be in my heart!
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