Thread: spay or no
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Old 11-08-2013, 05:56 AM   #19
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Lovetodream88 View Post
There are many many scientific reasons to spay. The one I know most is mammary cancer when they are spayed before there first heat they have a 0.05% chance of developing it! spayed after first heat they have an 8% chance then after the second heat it raises to 26% and so on. I am positive there is more scientific research. There is an infection that can happen that if your dog gets it they have 24 hours and if you don't realize it and get them treatment for it soon enough your dog dies this infection only happens in un spayed females. Then there is the fact if you ever have to board your dog or have some one else watch them what happens if they go into heat while your gone and the boarder or babysitter is not careful and you end up with a pregnancy when you have done no health testing on your dogs or know there lines so you are putting your dog in danger because pregnancy in even the healthiest females can be dangerous but your bring puppies into this world that could later have genetic issues pop up of just be sick and suffer there whole lives. Also if your female dies you are stuck feeding puppies every 2 hours for at least 6 weeks. Then there is the fact that Yorkies are high on the stolen list and there are people who will watch you see you have a Yorkie and break into your house and steal your dog then when they find out it's not fixed bingo they hit the jackpot and it's worth a lot more money and could be sold to a puppy mill and or back yard breeder putting your dog in a life of hell.
You really should read the article, it is written by Dr. Becker. Yes, if it was medically necessary I would do it but there are studies that disprove or at least cast a shadow of doubt on if spaying will prevent mammary cancer. All of the what ifs that you mention are things that need to be evaluated for risk of by the pet owner.
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