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Old 10-20-2013, 10:05 AM   #872
YT 1000 Club Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: dearborn heights
Posts: 1,148

Princeton is 10 years old and 8.5 lbs.

His favorite thing to eat are Dentastix, despite me trying to wean him off them in exchange for a healthier treat. He is an extremely smart and persistent pup. He has learned that his human will get up if he scratches at the front door and pretends he needs to go potty...and then when you walk towards the door, he will quickly run over to his treat shelf instead. Heaven forbid I run out of them...he won't let me sleep unless he gets his treat before bed.

Princeton definitely rules the roost at my house. We call him my cranky old man because he likes to boss everyone around. He really doesn't enjoy playing and likes a calm household. He's a bit of a control freak. He looks forward to daily walks, although sometimes he prefers to be pushed around in his stroller instead. Besides his daily walk and dentastix, going to bed is his other favorite time of day. The only time he ever runs is when it's too the bedroom to go to bed. He definitely knows what "lets go to bed" means...and if he is ready before I am, he will definitely let me know by pawing at my leg and running back and forth to the bedroom. You will always find Princeton laying on the most fluffy spot, whether it be on a blanket or pillow on the couch or his fuzzy blanket in bed.
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Last edited by theporkieyorkie; 10-20-2013 at 10:07 AM.
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