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Old 10-12-2013, 01:00 PM   #13
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Default Teddy's visit to the specialist hospital and tests

Teddy had to go and see a specialist vet on Wednesday, they admitted him, and he spent his first night away from us ever, in 7.5 years, we were really upset, but we had to have tests done, He has got several things wrong and may need more tests at another time, he has come home with very upset tummy, very loose stools with blood in, and is not happy about that, poor baby, we are home cooking 4 times a day to try to sort it out, it maybe stress related, from being away from us, and all the tests he had, it may be his slightly swollen pancreas they also found, or colitis, or even the change in diet he had 2 weeks ago, when one vet said he had CUSHINGS we changed to Chicken and Oats to make him feel more full, THE SPECIALIST VET SAYS HE DOES NOT HAVE CUSHINGS, so having OATS in his diet, is not good for pancreas problems, so we are now awaiting more test results Monday, then to see if his specialist wants us to slowly re-introduce his original food that he had eaten for 6 years, after being very ill when he was a year old, on every other food we tried, We now wish we had never changed it, but thought we were doing the right thing. He has a heart issue, on top of his valve problem, that may be causing him issues as he has fallen down a few times, his legs have gone from under him, he has landed on his head not his legs jumping off the sofa, and trying to jump onto the sofa he hit the cushion, and fell on his side, he also has a 1cm growth on his spleen, which they needle biopsied and said it is lymphoid reactive, with some blood in it, which may be normal for him, or may need more investigating, he has slightly enlarged lymph nodes in his abdomen too, and some other issues, His specialist wants to check whether he definitely has a white cell problems or not, as the WHITE BLOOD CELL tests they did were normal, the FIRST NORMAL in 3 months, they can go down again, but if they don't, then it won't be a marrow problem we don't think, but the spleen and lymph nodes are a concern, and maybe nothing, or maybe something more serious, time will tell. The heart may be a problem too, as he has a load VAGAL Heart sound, and irregular beats, he also has slight kidney changes, which they said may be the start of renal issues, all together I counted 7 issues, including his original heart valve problem, I have told him he doesn't need to catch his mum up as I now have 20+ illnesses. We love him So much he was so brave, especially after a resent nightmare at a vet we have now left, where he had 4 needles in his legs instead of one for the low dex test, and ended up swollen bruised and black and blue, and was so upset he wet himself, and the other waste item too, and cried, none of which he has done in a vets before, so we are now back with our original vets, although sadly his vet is leaving at the end of this month. We are going to give him QUALITY of life, rather than QUANTITY, it is not right or fair on him to let him go on longer if he has lost the QUALITY of life, at this time, despite upset tummy with blood in it, he is very happy, He is a battler that is for sure, but I can feel his heart beat is irregular, and he may need to have a 24hr heart ECG that will be fun, it is 60+ miles each way to the specialists, so I am shattered, as I cannot usually travel more than 6 miles at a time maximum, without ill effects, the two days in a row we did over 250 miles, but he is worth it. So it looks like he has several different illnesses. POOR BABY , Oh and they have tested his resting cortisol again, awaiting results of that, and urine culture, awaiting results of that, and also waiting for results of pancreas test, THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT x
Teddy Born Aug 06
Max (Mar 95 - Sept 06) Levi (Mar 97 - Aug 09)
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