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Old 10-03-2013, 08:25 AM   #1
YT 1000 Club Member
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Default Stomach Issues~Stress

Princeton has been having bouts of stomach issues for over a year now. 2 vets and a specialist later, an abdominal ultrasound determined he had sludge in his gall bladder and he is now on gall bladder meds. They worked wonderfully at first, but over the past 2 months, he's started his ups and downs again. Belly aches, where he won't eat in the morning... bouts of seems to be closely related to stress...specifically stress caused by car rides or vet trips. Sometimes, it just happens with no cause.

Anyways...I had to take the boys home with me to my parents this weekend. I didn't have a choice, other than board them...which would have been more stressful. Princeton's stomach was already upset from a trip to the vets for Ricky on our trip on Sunday compounded the problem. He knew we were leaving as soon as bath time came so his stomach was upset before we even got in the car. Now, a week later and he's clearly got an upset stomach and he doesn't want to eat. I've tried to give him pumpkin in his food, but he's not eating it. I have managed to get him to eat chicken baby food, but that's about all he will eat right now...which I guess is better than nothing. I've given him pepto...I've given him Regalin and nothing seems to help....

Anyone else got any ideas I am not thinking of???

I am also thinking of asking the vet to put him on some medicine for a minimum for when we are traveling. I am thinking about purchasing a calming collar as well. I know he's got a few other things that trigger his upset stomach, but anxiety is definitely a major trigger.

Sadly, it seems like Princeton's fear and anxiety is starting to rub off on my 2 y.o Ricky. Ricky used to like the car and he wasn't afraid of people. He was nervous and shaking on the car ride home and was timid and afraid of people. I am not sure how to stop the bad behavior from transferring to him, but I would hate to see him start being afraid of everything like Princeton is
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