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Old 09-20-2013, 01:24 PM   #2
joyce evans
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I just bottle fed 7 mixed breed and I fed them until they were full and sleepy which is what they would do when nursing on their moms. The pups you are feeding would probably eat more than a small Yorkie or kitten. I measure to make sure that they eat more as they grow and also make sure that they gain weight. I would suggest pre-mixed formula and not powder. Not sure if you've ever used the powder or not but it was recently a pain in my rear because it kept stopping up the nipples on my bottles. I used GNC and even put it through the blender after mixing. I have lots of experience in bottle feeding animals and you are going to be exhausted because they need to eat every 3 to 4 hrs. Wishing you lots of luck and get your rest. Enlist lots of help!!!
Hannah's Mom
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