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Old 08-19-2013, 09:14 AM   #24
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A dog that is a combination of two different purebred breeds is also just as vulnerable to genetic problems as a purebred since their background on both sides was purebred. Purebreds are dogs that have been genetically manipulated and if the proper things are not done to maintain and improve the breed they will degenerate.

A BYB is not someone with dogs tied to trees in the yard. It is someone who breeds dogs out of their home to make some income. They don't keep up with the standard of the breed and their dogs usually have a lot of faults. They do not do genetic testing or try to improve the quality of the dogs they breed. I'm not saying the dogs are not sweet and adorable. It's the methods they employ in raising animals that are different. There are some dog show people that employ some unadvised methods also, but not all of them. There are some very good and knowledgeable dog show/breeders out there.

The pup you are thinking about may make a very nice pet. If you think it will get along with your dog and you are comfortable with them then go for it. Personally, I think it is wrong to charge more than $50.00 for a mixed breed. The litter was a mistake. They should just find good homes for them. The value in a mixed breed pup is the love and care that you put into it, and that can be priceless, but it is you that will put those things in the pup. Fifty dollars for the food and care the pup was given is being generous.
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