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Old 08-06-2013, 01:32 PM   #24
Yorkie mom of 4
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Originally Posted by Hrossen11 View Post
I understand where you ate coming from. I have two maltese/yorkes from the same breeder (byb). My friend got I pup and I fell in love with it so I got my own. I did go to her house and check out all of her dogs ( breeding and non breeding dogs) and where they love. She breeds because she loves both breeds and the uniqueness each pup brings since you don't know what color it will have or which traits. I know it doesn't better the bred, but I personally could care less about specific breed details. Also, since they are not purebred and yes she used the word teacup, but the prices are what I was willing to pay for a pet under $500. She did not do genetic testing just regular health testing ( saw vet records) I do not have problems with byb as long as they ask reasonable prices, no byb should ask for more than a few hundred purebred or not since they have not the extensive research or are show quality. I view breeding dogs similar to breeding horses. You breed for the traits and colors you want. That is how these original purebreds got started. I also believe you should search pounds and adoptions first before buying from a byb. Where I live they only had chihuahua mixes in the shelters and I do not care for most chihuahua personalities
You do realize that not doing certain genetic test that are available is showing no care for the pups that the breeder is bringing into the world right?
My babies Joey, Penny ,Ollie & Dixie
Callie Mae, you will forever be in my heart!
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