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Old 08-02-2013, 12:25 PM   #1
♥Momma's Bambino♥
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Confused I guess Yorkie’s are pretty smart.

Cute story. It really shows how OCD/ Smart they are.

Since we have had construction in our house I put Peanut’s treats and his bag of food in our room. I put his treats in my dresser and the food on the ground. Well this morning @ 5 I heard Tom giving Peanut a treat, which Peanut was running over me and jumping around because he always gets excited to get a treat. Well who knows why DH sat on my side of the bed to give him his treat, I was still sleeping- I wake up about 6:20.

Well I was able to go back to sleep, all of a sudden I heard Peanut bark, and start to whine. Well I peel my eyes open and look over at him, he was on the ground on my side of the bed. I thought he wanted up- so I told him to go on his ramp. Well a second later he barked at me again and started to scratch the bed… I told him to stop, go around- leave me alone. ( I’m not the most chipper person at 5:30 in the morning)

Dh had came in to tell me Bye, I said “what is wrong with Peanut, what does he want”? DH then told me “ I dropped a treat in the crack of the bed”. I guess he dropped in between the wood and the mattress… I said “ Ok whatever I’m going back to bed.”

Well Peanut continued to annoy me, and try to get this damn treat out, scratching the wood of the bed, barking at me… I then got up and threw him in his crate and told him “ Stop Mommy needs to sleep” LOL

I got up as normal let him out, he stayed in his crate, stretched and laid back down. Well I was to the point of me leaving, I came back into the room and guess where Peanut was…???

YUP- Right in that same spot trying to get this damn treat out!! He was trying to stick his snout in the crack to get it!! I thought for a second and said to myself “ If I don’t get this treat out and give it to him, he will sit here all day stressing about it..”

So I kneeled down, got my flashlight, ( at this time Peanut was doing 3-60’s hopping around all excited) I dug it out and gave it to him.

LOL. I seriously thought after him sleeping he would have forgot about this.. LOL Is this boarder line OCD??

He is one crazy little doggy! I texted Dh and told him “ This morning I had to dig that treat out and give it to your dog”!! I also told him “ His food and treats are back in the kitchen!!
"People with nothing to hide don't usually feel the need to say so."
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