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Old 06-23-2013, 12:11 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by BabyGirl Rosie View Post
They are lovely people once you get to know them. They love everyone and just want to please you. That's what makes them special. It makes my heart smile that Mark was so loved by so many.
They also have a God Given gift of resilience and pureness that protects them from the mean people in the world...Mark would let out a squeal, I mean one single squeal...if someone was mean to him, and then move on leaving it all behind....he was an extremely instrumental part of helping me to become who I am today...This is why I advocate for animals and people who can't/won't do it for themselves. It is who I am and I am because of Mark, Johnny, Ronnie and Linell...those 4 guys taught me more about life than any book, "normal" person....growing up in a bar, projects and streets helped too!!!
The Above advice/comments/reviews are my personal opinions based on my own experience/education/investigation and research and you can take them any way you want to......Or NOT!!!
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