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Old 06-13-2013, 07:48 PM   #36
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In my opinion only, I feel that if you want a pure bred Yorkshire Terrier, you should consider a breeder whose interest is not in making money for it. I realize that there are nice people who breed nice dogs and don't show them. I also appreciate that these breeders can have lovely pups.

My view is, however, that many breeders who shows dogs spend a great deal of resources and time carefully developing and fine-tuning lines to the best of his/her ability that not only conform to breed standards BUT are also considered excellent examples of "breed stock."

I'm not talking about the show dog breeder who throws a pup in the ring on weekends and gets a whole bunch of APRI or even AKC awards.

I'm referring to the breeder who has years of demonstrable experience. There are many of these affecionados. You need only attend a well-reputed show and start talking to them. They have an inate passion, they participate, they teach, they're willing to share their knowledge & understanding.

It really isn't difficult to differentiate a show breeder who has dedicated a good part of his/her existence to the Yorkshire Terrier and one who spends weekends in the ring and socializing.

As far as cost, IMHO, if you find the right breeder, you get what you pay for. I determined that I would purchase a Yorkshire Terrier long before I actually got one. I SAVED MONEY every week just by putting a little bit aside. I utilized the added time I had RESEARCHING, LOCATING & SPEAKING WITH many breeders. I read everything I could about the breed and its standard. In that time, I actually found THREE breeders who met my standards and had available puppies when I was ready to purchase. It did take me a month or two longer to get my puppy but I wouldn't change my decision.

Actually, for what I've seen Yorkies advertised for, my Lucy was a BARGAIN! I used to go to a groomer who paid $9000 for a yorkie. RIDICULOUS!! The pup was smaller than my girl but she wasn't a "tiny" (although that's what the groomer was promised!)

Breeders who truly spend years and years cultivating their lines, who travel around the country & world for matings, who can tell you that your pup is the spitting image of her great-grandmother (and show you the pictures!), who does attend shows regularly and who only considers other yorkie breeders competitors in the ring but not when selling dogs, are the people I'd look for if I were in search of another yorkshire terrier.

My breeder was able to distinguish his dogs from each of the other breeders' dogs that I spoke to. He was also able to explain their breeding lines in detail. Yet, he didn't knock any of them. He respected their hard work as well. That, IMHO, is what a good breeder will do.

I don't think these people are difficult to find. But as everyone else has said, it's up to you. I'm not saying any choice you make is a necessarily bad one (except for puppy mills/bybs, of course).

But consider doing more research into the breed. Call members of your local YTCA. Research on line. Go to a show! Talk to everyone and anyone who can help you on your quest. It's really not hard, it's actually fun.

Good luck in your decision! Tracey

Last edited by luvlee; 06-13-2013 at 07:51 PM.
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