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Old 05-30-2013, 09:17 AM   #27
YT 500 Club Member
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(((Hugs))) Sariah.

Honey, I have a daughter who is just a few months older than you - she just turned 14. I understand all too well how you might feel isolated and lonely. Being a teen is a tough row to hoe. Sometimes you feel like you have to make stuff up and pretend something to be accepted and "liked".

It just doesn't work that way in the grown up world. Some people still try to do it, but 9 times of 10, they are absolutely miserable inside.

Stick around here, and continue to learn about Yorkies, Biewers, and a pretty darn amazing group of people. But first and foremost, be HONEST!!! With yourself, and with those you communicate with.

Also, talk to your mom and/or dad. Let them know that you are lonely, and see if there are homeschool community groups that you can get involved in. As much as you need your education, you need friends and socialization. It's just as big a part of growing up as the classwork is.

Dawn, give her a chance, and if she's telling the truth, cut her a little slack. She screwed up and she knows it. Let this be a teaching opportunity, not just a beat down.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. - JRR Tolkien
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