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Old 05-24-2013, 07:00 PM   #4
Teresa Ford
Therapy Yorkies Work
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Question: Should I crate train my puppy ?
Answer: Yes. You will be glad you did.

I think all dogs should be crate trained. Almost all dogs will have to be in a crate at some point in their life. Crating should not cause more stress but , make them feel safer in a stressful situation. Your Yorkie will have to be crated, if they are ill, have to stay at the Vets over night, or have surgery. Dogs can travel on a train, ship, or air planes, car or camper and stay in many motels, if they can be crated and behave nicely.

If a disaster happens, a hurricane, flood, earth quake, mud slide, tornado, or fire and you have to leave your home, a crate is a safe secure place for your dog to be during transport.

ALL Animal friendly shelters that I researched, require dogs to be crated when inside the shelter building. Dogs that bark excessively, whine, act crazy or aggressive etc. will not be allowed to stay.
I know this first hand about pet friendly shelters. We had to leave our home in Fla. because of a hurricane. My dogs behaved beautifully, they were cozy dry, had their own, blankets, toys , food and crates.

I was shocked by the pet owners that came unprepared to the shelter. The didn’t have a crate, food, water or even bowls for their animals. Some people had to rush to Wal-mart before it closed. Hoping to buy a crate and supplies. The untrained and frightened dogs (and Cats) barked, whined, or screamed and some howled and tried to get out of the crate. Several people had to put their dogs outside the building, under a tarp, so people could sleep. It would have been so much better, if all the pets were content in their crate. Midwest 1524 iCrate Single-Door Midwest 1524 iCrate Single-Door Pet... This is a nice size. I like wire crates for sleeping and they can be covered with a towel to make them dark and cozy.

If the crate is too large, your puppy may use one end for a puppy potty spot. The crates we use are about fourteen inches tall, thirteen inches wide and twenty two inches deep from front to back. The can also be stored flat or stacked.

Several Yorkie breeders and friends teach their dog to potty on a pee-pads. They have expressed good success, with the new doggy apartments. (They can be found on line). It is a larger wire crate one side has a small sleeping compartment and another side for the potty pad.

It is fine to let a potty trained Yorkie sleep in your bed. Potty trained means no accidents for 3 months. It is fine to let a potty trained Yorkie sleep in your bed, if that is what you want.

All Yorkies need a crate. At some point you may want a small carry case to keep in the car. This can be used for trips to the vet or in case of an emergency.

If you are in a car wreck and have to be transported, your dog will be safer in a crate until some one can pick them up. Please have a plastic bag with contact information, vet etc. taped to the top of the crate. (most of us use Doggy car seats for short trips).

Car accidents do happen. Three true stories: Carla had a dislocated shoulder and was allowed to take Mekia in her crate to the hospital with her.

Deb had a head injury and the police took Alvin to the police station in his crate until her son could pick him up. Sherry was confused and Bitsy given to a stranger on her leash, with a piece of paper with Sherry’s phone number. Sherry never saw Bitsy again.















Teresa & Rubin, Gracie, Abba, Ginny Joy and Julia Rose
Act like a dog, be kind, forgiving, and loyal.

Last edited by Teresa Ford; 05-24-2013 at 07:05 PM.
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