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Old 05-16-2013, 02:15 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by kimberlyn View Post
You should be ashamed of yourselves! I believe I've read that same great book and it has some pretty specific things to say about judging and gossiping, which is all anyone seems to do on this site. I see the OP has been a member for years and you automatically assume that she's a mustache twirling villain after she willingly and proudly gave you the site of a breeder she thought was good (If she'd known you wouldn't approve, she wouldn't have done it.) She never even hinted at wanting to breed the pup, you just jumped to conclusions to have something else to say "How horrible!" at. Think about it for a second before you hasten to reply. Look again. The site says she'd make a good breeder. Not that her buyer was intending to breed.

I don't expect any of you to have a change of heart, but I couldn't sit here and watch you just go on and on without saying something.
I think that the jury is out on the OP's motives--whether or not she is in cahoots with the breeder to hawk overpriced sickly dogs. But it is indisputable that the breeder is dishonest and disreputable, and is indeed hawking overpriced, sickly dogs. These facts are based on both the past history of this breeder, as well as good detective work by yorkietalk members. If the OP is sincerely intent on buying one of these overpriced, sickly dogs, she is going into it forewarned, and we will be here to offer advice and moral support, as well as prayers that things aren't going so horribly as we fear they may.
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