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Old 05-15-2013, 12:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by lynzy420 View Post
Yes it is better at 12 weeks for so many reasons.

I live near Canada, literally across the bridge.

The other evening when I took Mia to the vet I went across the street to the Pet Supplies plus to look around. I came across a very young lady and her husband who had the sweetest looking puppy. I don't know what it was, some kind of spaniel. But anyway, while admiring the puppy I noticed it was lethargic...down right limp...I then asked how old the pup was? "almost 7 weeks", this pup easily weighed about 12lbs and was expected to weigh 24lbs full grown...but still 7 weeks???...She then told me that her and hubby drove to North Carolina to pick her up....I then noticed she had some greenish gook in one eye and some in its nose. They were literally on their way back from picking the pup up I went over to the shelf like a good YTer and got some nutracal...for lack of knowing what else to do! Anyway the pup responded to this rather well and perked up a bit. I stayed with them a little while and of course explained why the breeder should have waited etc...etc...etc...they were real sweet. After about 20 mins of them asking me questions they asked me about vets (many Canadians come her for vets and drs)...I told them of all the vets I would NOT go to and recommended my vet who is a 24 hour hospital with a Dr. from Cornell etc...etc...I then explained also why the pup shouldn't be in the store etc...

I'm sorry for long story but after a few minutes longer, now having been there about 45 minutes I told them that I didn't think this pup was well and gently reassured them but also at the same time called my vet to to see if they could see the pup, I was that concerned...

Long story short...the pup is sick, the pup was admitted and the pup will be ok. Pup had anemia, low sugar, coccidia, worms and dehydrated and a respiratory infection...poor baby.

My point: These things can happen even to medium to large dogs that are sold too soon...I'm glad I was at the right place at the right time.

OP I'm glad your here and reading and learning, since you plan on bringing the dog home early please stick around and be very, very very, tenacious in noticing any minute symptoms.

I hope your pup will be fine, and probaby will, I just wanted to share this with you...NOT TO SCARE you just to make you aware of what can happen...ok?

Good luck and stick around!!
Thank you Lynzy. It obvious you love all dogs and I love your posts. I would prefer the pup to stay longer with the breeder too. It's a pity the Kennel Club approve of the 8 week age for going to the new home.
I already have Nutri-cal, it came today, along with lots of other items for pup. I'm home all day and the pup will be watched, fed often. He's already been vet checked, but we will also take him straight to a vet. Thank you for all your advice, I appreciate it.
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