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Old 02-08-2006, 01:36 PM   #2
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I don't know much about the pads, we trained for outside from the beginning. BUT I do know that if they smell anything on the floor or carpet they WILL go in that spot again. So, before you can expect any success you must have your floors or carpets cleaned well (possibly professionally) We have a steam cleaner and always cleaned up after Loki's accidents using a good enzymatic cleaner both by hand and then with the steam cleaner. Immediately. He rarely went in the same place twice, which means we were doing something right.

You have to ignore the cries, screams, whatever. If you let them out you are reinforcing their crying. Wait until they are quiet to let them out. Have you tried crates?? Crate training works!

Finally, is he neutered? He is probably marking over her spots. If he is already neutered then you need to train Winnie before and Harry will stop marking. I don't believe marking is a house training issue, but can someone confirm that? Loki doesn't mark or pee in the house so I don't know.

Pads are hard. It teaches the dogs that it's OK to go in the house. Inside/outside is a stronger distinction for a dog than kitchen/living room. Why is it OK to pee in one corner but not another? They don't understand. Inside/outside they understand and can carry over to another house. You have quite the challenge ahead of you. Good luck and I hope it goes well.
Erin, Sammy & Loki
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