Thread: ringworm!!!!!
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Old 04-27-2013, 04:28 AM   #3
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Oh my!
Max had this when we got him as a puppy 5 years ago. We had a horrible case in our home.
Here is what tips of what I did.
(1) We had a huge kitchen area that was tiled. He was restricted to that area and the laundry room. Also tiled. I had a squirt bottle I did the counters, sinks, and kitchen surfaces with. Be careful when working with bleach in any dilution. Rinse with clean water afterward. Wear gloves and glasses.
EVERY night I used 1 cup bleach to bucket of hot water and mopped the tile floors. Put Max in Laundry room while I did kitchen dining area. Then reverse.
(2) We all caught ring worm in the family. Even the cat. Check yourselves often and treat. We had to go to the Dr. for Rx strength because OTC remedies were not strong enough.
(3) Bleach all whites and bedding that can be bleached.
Wash everything else you can in your house as often as you can. All clothes, surfaces, you name it.
Wash wash and wash. Wash your hands all the time.

We tried the oral meds on Max. Didn't work. We had him shaved and sulfur dipped for about 2 months. Didn't work. I had to give him daily baths with vet shampoo for ringworm. Didn't work. EVentually it just ran it's course. Took almost a year before everyone was clear. I may have been a bit OCD but it was a terrible case.
Just be vigilant and get on top of it quickly. I hope some of my experiences help you. I am sending thoughts and prayers you way that it is a mild strain of WR. Ours was not.
Max (the Morkie) & Mickey (the Yorkie)
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