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Old 03-10-2013, 08:37 AM   #6
and Shelby's too
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All we can do is try to educate when we can. Like right here. What you said was perfect.

Now, hopefully someone will google "what age can a puppy leave it's mommy" or "age to bring a puppy home" and this thread will come up in the search.

TWELVE WEEKS if you actually love your dog, why would you not do what's best for it and give it the full twelve weeks if possible?

Now, until I came to this forum, I was always told - ALWAYS - that puppies were weaned and ready to go at 8 weeks. I was never told differently about toy breeds...nothing. And, I admit - I didn't google it because I thought I's what I'd been told. So, people honestly don't know. We can get mad at the breeders for letting them go, but 9 times out of 10...the puppy you are seeing is from a byob who doesn't get it or care to know. I am 43 years old and just learned this year about this information.

Educate when you can is what I'm saying. But, don't get mad at people for not knowing. There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance. Ignorance is excusable because you just didn't have the info. Stupidity is not excusable because you had the info and still did it anyway.
Terri, proud mom to Mandie & Shelby-Dale
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