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Old 03-08-2013, 05:03 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Yorkiemom1 View Post
I would be calling somebody, one of the vets, and ask about Lasix or something to help him breathe...
I am sooo praying for you....I can hear the despiration and devastation in your post....sometimes I wish I hated dogs and never got involved with them at all....each one we lose, takes a piece of your heart with them....I am so sorry for you and pray this takes a turn for the better...Ladyjane gave you some hope with those links....I have no experience with this issue...I dont know if they would give Lasix for fluid in/around his lungs in the presence of this disease....dont know why they wouldnt...., but I would certainly least it would help your little fella with his breathing struggle....he cant possibly last all weekend with respiratory difficulties as he will get a respiratory acidosis or alkalosis and everything will go helter skelter.......PLEASE find out and let us know....
I asked about the Lasix and she said that it doesn't work that well with fluid around the lungs. They said his breathing was mildly labored and as long as that doesn't get worse, he should be ok until Monday. This morning he was sleepy and sort of lethargic, but he was perky and active at the vets office this afternoon. He was BARKING! at them for attention when they left him in the cage. He was also barking at the neighborhood dogs on walks on the way home in the car. He was anxious to get home to eat and was kept trying to drive. (he often does that - keeps pawing at the dash or steering wheel like he wants to drive) He's very attentive to my husband making dinner right now. This behavior is encouraging that maybe he'll be ok until we get this diagnosed and can start treatment.
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