Thread: Eating Eggs!?
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Old 01-31-2013, 07:50 AM   #13
Wylie's Mom
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They can have raw eggs...with or without shell and/or cooked eggs. Of course, if you worry at all about the possibility of salmonella, raw eggs might be out. Dogs do handle salmonella differently than us, and have a different tolerance, but it can def be a concern if the dog is immuno compromised in any way.

I have a sliced, hard boiled egg on english muffin every morning - I always save 3 little slices for the doggies - so they get a bit of egg every morning. They LOVE those dang eggs, I tell ya.

ETA: also, I've given cottage cheese before and they love that too!
~ A friend told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn. ~

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