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Old 01-28-2013, 08:04 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by MyDearSam View Post
It sounds like you need to add more protein and dense carbs to your diet. The veggies are pretty much 'free foods'. You're doing a great job of staying hydrated, but exercising without sufficient protein is starving your muscles of the energy they need.

The key is finding a good balance that works for YOU! Take baby steps and build good habits as part of your lifestyle. Also, try a website such as You can keep a food diary and it will give you a chart of the calories, fat, protein, etc. that you are eating. You can then tweak your diet to reach goals.

Some good healthy foods to consider:

Oatmeal, almonds, hard cheese like sharp cheddar, avocado (heart healthy fat!), hard boiled eggs, whole grain breads, brown rice, natural peanut butter. Replace lettuce and pickles on sandwiches with fresh spinach and sliced cucumber.

Finally, indulge in moderation every once in a while! It's good for the soul.

Good luck and don't get discouraged!

I stay full a lot longer when I eat foods higher in protein...if I have scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast or a cheese omelet and bacon I stay full past noon. I drink water with every meal and in don't have to chug a big glass all at once but water spaced out evenly will help keep you full. Fiber helps too. When I have a snack on peanuts, almonds or cashews I put them in a 3oz. Dixie cup (not even filled) and I find that is plenty to fill me up and it helps control the amount of the snack. If I eat a salad I make sure it also includes a protein source like chicken or tuna and then I ad some veggies (warm meat and veggies over salad is good!) shredded cheese and Bleu Cheese favorite. You can be creative with your salads. I've never been a big bread or pasta eater so I don't miss those things.

If you are dieting and always hungry you will's that need to adjust what you're eating so you're satisfied at mealtime. And you have to allow yourself to cheat but schedule a day to cheat and remain moderate...don't cheat all day and try to play catch up after that but have a favorite desert or fast food meal one time a week or can't totally deprive yourself or, again, you will fail.

Trust me...been there...learned that!

Good luck!
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