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Old 04-15-2005, 08:26 AM   #10
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Hercules has growled over greenies too! I'm glad we aren't the only ones. I was so mad and upset about it when it happened that I was like, you don't act like that, I'm in charge here and I took it away. I made him calm down for a few minutes and then I gave it back to him. Then after a few minutes I took it away again. Like the advice you got before. We need to make sure they know we are in charge as much possible. It's so hard w/ their cute faces, but it's for the better in the long run.

I also move their food around when they eat, just to make sure they don't ever get aggressive. And I also pet them while they eat sometimes. These are the things that I've seen on Animal Cops on the Animal Planet - it's how they test whether or not an animal is safe for adoption.
Brandi, Hercules, & Athena
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