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Old 10-27-2012, 07:42 PM   #1
YT 500 Club Member
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Default New Yorkie - rescue (have questions)

My sister and her family just got a little male yorkie. He was given to them this evening. The family who had him was moving out of town and didn't want him any longer. They said they were either going to dump him or shoot him if someone didn't take him All they know about him is that he is supposedly an older pup ... not a year old yet. Although they don't know if that is a fact. They hope the veteranarian can tell them his age when they take him. He has not been nuetered yet which they will have done soon as possible. He's a little guy... I'm guessing 5 pounds.
he looks healthy as far as weight and the way he looks and acts. He lived in a home with young kids /or atleast one young child. They also had a large German Shepherd dog.
He seems to be friendly for the most part and he has a sweet disposition but he does get "growly" sometimes and even snapped at my 12 year old niece and bit my nephew who was over to visit. He seems more likely to do the growling when you go to pick him up when he doesn't want to be picked up. ...or dong something to/with him that he doesn't want.
We are not sure about his house training. He did good in the house until a little bit ago, he went pee on the floor. They had just had him outside a couple of times giving him the oppertunity to go outside but he didn't.
After he went pee in the floor, he ran and hid and when my sister went to get him he was growling at her. (which led me to think that he has been hit on or something for doing this in his old home)
This is their first time having a house dog. I have had house dogs but they have always been young puppies when I got them and so I wasn't having to "un-do" wrong training or dealing with the growling. ...and I'm no Yorkie expert since Paisley is my first one.
I suggested that when he growl, they hold their hand up in front of him (in a "stop" position) and make noise, or "NO'..stern but not mean. That seems to be working. Honestly he seems like a very sweet dog. Any suggestions on what to do to help train him would be appreciated. He seems to be happy at their house.
Another thing.. he does sleep in a pet taxi at night... anyway that's what the people said. When they brought his pet taxi in he started barking like he was happy to see it. Please any input is appreciated!
Janean Paisley
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