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Old 10-26-2012, 12:32 PM   #1
♥ Love My Tibbe! ♥
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Omg *****Creepy Halloween Story About My Kid Brother, Frank & "Bones"!!!*****

Since it's cold and cloudy today and I'm watching a show on TV called "Primal Fear", it reminds me of something my brother & his buddies did to one of their friends when they were freshmen in college.

The boys were renting a big, old, falling-down house like something out of the Addams' family together and one of them, Frank, was very skittish - they all always could "get his goat" easily, Frank being a big, gangly, tall, skinny kid who was from the country while the other 3 were city boys from Dallas. For some reason at some point, they thought it would be funny to dress up an old lifesize cloth mannequin a department store Frank worked part-time at discarded and Frank carted home. They dressed it in old clothes, put a burlap sack over the faceless head, drew some crude features for a face, stuck a floppy hat on & sat the silly thing in the car with them sometimes as they drove around, sat it in the chair in the big bay window of the old house and around places in the living room. Obviously whatever about this was funny to them came from some inside joke or something - I never could get the point but he was a kid and they were all silly, young?

We'd go over to visit and "Mr. Bones", their original name for the dressed up mannequin was always taking up a spare chair & they were always moving "Bones" here & there so others could sit. It went on for a year or more. Finally, Bones was always sitting on a kind of stool over at the side L of the dining room off the living room and there he remained - forgotten.

Frank came in from his after-school job one Halloween and flung himself down on the couch, inhaling a burger and reading something. Took his shoes off and stretched out after eating to get in a nap before the party that night. Dozed, thought he heard something, craned his neck up, looked around, saw nothing. Dozed, heard something, looked up, something was different in the room but he didn't know what so he shrugged, went back to sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. What was that?!!!!!!????!

Frank awoke again to find Bones standing over the couch!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, my stupid brother was in Bones' clothes and the other boys had all gotten out of their schedules so they could hide, watching from the servant's pantry off the dining room in the old house! They all have a pretty hysterical version of what Frank did after he suddenly woke to Tim dressed up in Bones' clothes standing over him.
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis
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