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Old 10-05-2012, 06:47 PM   #8
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I tried taking Peek to the vet when our GSD had to be euthanized. He freaked out and just wanted out of the room. I don't think I'll be doing that again. He was still so depressed afterwards, for months. That's when I finally decided to get another dog, who he really didn't like (things are better now), so one month later we got another, Sapphire, who Peek tolerates very well.

When Tink was in the hospital for a week, I noticed a definite change in the other 3. I wouldn't say they are closely bonded, they all act more bonded to me. They don't really sleep together, hardly touching each other if at all. Occassionally I walk them separately, and sometimes together. Tink will chase a toy, Finny waits for her to bring it back then steals it from her. Maybe because they were all older when I got them...IDK. The 3 remaining were all very good... too good while Tink was gone. The only thing I could think of was that they were thinking 'Oh no! Who's next? We better be good or she'll get rid of us too!' My poor babies! Whenever they heard a squeak toy, they looked around for Tink. No one wanted to play. Talk about a happy group when Tink came home!

I do want my dogs to be able to function on their own, and with other people, so I don't see where separation training would hurt. When I took my first Yorkie to obedience training, all the dogs were barking at each other the first few weeks. During the last class, we put them in a sit, stay while all the owners walked behind a wall. You could hear a pin drop, and they all stayed! I would never have imagined this during week 1, Lol!

I have seen dogs pass shortly after their owner or housemate has passed. Heard of it happening with people too. I think it depends on each individual.

Maybe a more gradual approach would be easier. Instead of all the way across the room, start 1/4 of the way around...IDK.
Kat Chloe Lizzy
PeekABooTinkerbell SapphireInfinity
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