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Old 09-19-2012, 10:50 AM   #9
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: Troy, Alabama
Posts: 233

Originally Posted by Wallee View Post
Good afternoon everyone. Once again, I am looking for help from the "expert" yorkie owners. I have a pretty curly Biewer Yorkie (Wallee) and struggling to keep him groomed. I once had an American Cocker Spaniel whom I groomed myself (and for those of you who know the breed, not an easy task) so assumed I would be able to handle this little guy.
My biggest problem is getting the knots out from under his arms. I have a grooming table but cannot get him to lay on that to groom this area. He flips over and gets playfully nippy. I am able to manage this area a bit on the couch when I have him up against the back of the couch but again after a period of time, he starts to get roudy and fidgety.
Can anyone suggest the best tools to get the knots out from under his arm? I am presently trying to use two different brushes, (one of them being a slicker which he seems to go crazy from the sound it makes) and the other one is basically a rubber pin brush. I also have some spray that I spray him with before brushing however it doesn't seem to help the matts close to the skin.
Is it possible for this guy to be able to keep a long coat with having the cottony curly coat or will I be better off just to keep his hair cut in puppy cut?
Any grooming advice will be appreciated.

BTW, he is just 6 months old and I have been doing this since I got him at 12 weeks. He is great at bathing, blow drying and even brushing his teeth, but this brushing is a real struggle.

I have a madden (i think that is the type) comb. One end is a regular comb and the other end is a flea comb. I use this on my yorkie and it gets the knots out great. I use the regular end first and finish up with the flea comb.

When my yorkie was a baby I had to fight her like crazy to get her to be still so I could comb her. She is three years old now and all I have to do is pick up the comb and show it to her and she comes running. She loves to be combed and will lay there forever just letting me comb her.

I also use the same comb. It was kinda pricey when I purchased it, but it has been well worth the price....going on three years.
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