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Old 09-04-2012, 10:57 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by luvlee View Post
I'm really sorry to learn about the difficulties you had with your pups. However, there is something to "hedging your bets." I accept that there are never any guaranties with any living thing.

However, a puppy from a reputable breeder will more likely than not be better cared for, genetically tested, and developed with an eye toward breeding to the most appropriate Yorkie standards.

I agree that price does not necessarily equal quality. But if I'm going to put my money anywhere, it would be in the reputation of the breeder - that's really all we can go on.

My son has cancer. I did a lot of searching before I found Lucy. I explained to my breeder that I wanted to "hedge my bets" and purchase the best pup I could afford in the hopes that she'd remain healthy. He laughed at me and said, "There's no absolute perfect health guaranty, but I know my yorkies." That's probably the closest to a guaranty that I'm going to get.

So, while spending lots of $$$ doesn't mean you get a healthy pup, wisely spending $$$ may just mean you're less likely to get a sick pup.

My 2 cents...
I have to agree and disagree, the reason for my post was that Taylor said "Well if your wanting a healthy puppy that is not going to be sick its going to cost at least $1,000"

I can't help but speak out on behalf of people that have adopted dogs from shelters that have lived long and healthy lives. And for the thousands of dogs waiting to get adopted. I am not even sure why the OP posted here, because she never said she found a Yorkie puppy or was looking for a purebred show looking yorkie, she is just looking for a puppy that will not cost an arm and a leg. Perhaps if it is so risky to adopt from a shelter then why should they even exist, perhaps all the dogs should be immediately put down because there is a risk they might have a health problem in the future.
After being on YT and reading the sick and injured section I sure read a lot about yorkies that cost a lot of money that wound up with things like CT, AAI, really bad knees and so forth. Yes if you can it's good to go with a breeder that health tests, but don't be fooled you can still wind up with problems. If one wants to be 100% sure they will have a dog with no health issues they should get a stuffed animal. For every expensive yorkie out there, there are probably 5 x's as many healthy pound puppies.

I am sorry but blanket statements like "if your wanting a healthy puppy that is not going to be sick its going to cost at least $1,000" just put me over the edge because I know this is not true.
Lola my amazing little yorkie-pom

Last edited by DBlain; 09-04-2012 at 11:01 AM.
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